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Courses & Training Days

Our Advisors run a series of courses throughout the year on a wide range of topics, including game management, biodiversity and conservation. Successful candidates receive a GWCT certificate to help demonstrate due diligence and responsibility as required under the Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011.

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Our most popular courses are listed below:


Although Scottish Government has confirmed their intention to ban snaring later this year, the use of snares currently remain a legitimate and important tool in the game and wildlife management toolbox. Our Scottish Government approved fox and rabbit snaring course provides candidates with the necessary certificate to obtain their unique ID number, which must by law be attached to all snares set in Scotland. Fundamental to the course is the emphasis placed on welfare, in addition to best practice, species conservation and legal updates.

Corvid Control

Corvid control is a vital tool for countryside managers. When done well, it can be hugely beneficial to the conservation of our game and wildlife. This course has been developed to ensure those practicing corvid control in Scotland can do so with the confidence that they are operating within the law whilst demonstrating due diligence and welfare considerations.

Mustelid Control

With significant changes to tunnel trapping legislation now in place throughout the UK, this popular course keeps trappers fully up to date with both legal and humane control issues. The session will address the legal aspects of the various trapping methods for stoat, weasel and rodent control employed by keepers and wildlife managers as well as the equipment required and best practice advice.

Grouse Health & Disease

This training opportunity addresses the increasing need for grouse moors to assemble documented evidence to demonstrate best practice. The half-day course will focus on the latest management techniques for the control of strongyle worm burdens and tick in red grouse. A must for those requiring medicated grit prescriptions!

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